January 23rd, 2011

Viewing recent posts from January 23rd, 2011


Meredith Hoffheins

image-1556 Statement Meredith Hoffheins’ meandering hands create imaginative and lyrical works on paper that intuitively portray a desire for the unattainable. Her works can be spare and visionary, or abundant with internal information. Website http://reseda.tumblr.com/ Current Exhibit http://extensionsofmemory.tumblr.com/

Elena Yamamoto

image-1551 Statement Elena Yamamoto’s works are thoughts bound up in sources, process, and materials: photos made from negatives that my father took when he was just a few years older than myself; the sun-soaked cyanotype prints with their natural, distinctive, and seductive blue; silk in its softness, its ...

Lindsay Kolk

image-1546 Statement Whether printed on the page, manifest in continuously looped forms, or carefully arranged structures Lindsay Kolk quietly meditates on the repeated mark. At once familiar and consistent, these marks are intuitively and carefully manipulated, obscured, even destroyed; efforts that intrinsically assign value even to that which appears as a ...